Welcome back to Term 2, we have had a wonderful start to the term and it is lovely to see our tamariki back and engaged in their learning.
We have a busy term this term with some exciting learning, we are looking forward to celebrating another Matariki breakfast toward the end of the term. We will let you know more details about this soon.
Road Crossing
Thank you to those of you that are supporting the use of our road crossing. Our senior tamariki are doing a great job getting everyone across the road safely.
However, I have noticed a few of our families are not using the crossing, please use the pedestrian crossing with your tamariki even if the road patrollers are off duty as we are wanting all our students to know how to cross the road safely.
Winter Uniform
We have the new polar fleeces available for purchase in the office. This fleece has our school logo embroidered on it. If you already have a good fleece at home, it is kei te pai for your child to continue to wear this and get a new one once they need the bigger size. From this term on it is expected that we will have red winter tops only please.
School Sports
Netball has started for the term and is played on a Friday afternoon. If your child is playing netball, please keep an eye on our Facebook page for the draw. Please make sure you get your child to the courts in plenty of time before the game. I would like to thank Ani and Shannon for coaching our netball teams.
Ka mihi
What’s coming up!
Tuesday 9th May
St Johns in Schools
Thursday 11th May
North Otago Music Festival Rehearsal - 10am
Friday 12th May
Assembly 2pm
Thursday 18th May
Board Meeting 5.30pm
Friday 19th May
White Stone City Trip (whole School)
All rights reserved, Te Pākihi o Maru