Our learning programmes are well underway in the classrooms now and it is great to see our tamariki so settled into their classroom routines.
Meet and Greet
We had a great whānau evening last week. This was a great opportunity for our whānau to meet their child’s kaiako and have a look around the classrooms. This was followed up by a fabulous assembly last Friday.
Harold the Giraffe
Next week Harold will be visiting the school. The Life Education Bus is an engaging way for our tamariki to learn more about health and physical education. This year they will be focusing on building healthy relationships.
Tumuaki Award
Tēnā koe Siope - kua pai temahi! Siope won the Tumuaki award for always showing kindness to his friends at school. Tino pai - we are very proud of you.
Ka mihi
What’s coming up!
Tuesday 28 Feb -
school finishes 12.30pm
Wednesday 1st March
Wheely Wednesday
Friday 3rd - Wednesday 8th March
Harold visiting
Friday 10th March
Assembly 2pm
Wednesday 22nd - Friday 24th March
Swimming 9.30am - 11.30am
Thursday 23rd March
BOT meeting 5.15pm
Wednesday 29th - Friday 31st March
Swimming 9.30am - 11.30am
Thursday 6th April
Assembly 2pm
End of Term 1
All rights reserved, Te Pākihi o Maru